Roller Coaster Funny Pictures Funny Rollercoaster Faces

Rollercoasters are both fun and terrifying. Terrifyingly fun, actually! If you've ever been on one, odds are that all the twists, turns, and adrenaline pumping through your veins made it a very memorable experience. And if you're as awesome and cheesy as we are, then you might even have bought one of those amusement park photos that show you laughing, screaming, and (possibly even) crying while on the ride.

Some of these photos, however, are a cut above the rest and in a league of their own. Whether intentionally or by design! The Bored Panda team has put together this wild ride of a list showing off the very best of the best that rollercoaster photos have to offer. They're hilarious, creative, and wholesome to a whole other degree.

Strap yourself in, hang on tight, and scroll down to start the ride. Don't forget to upvote the photos that you enjoyed the most, Pandas! Oh and if any of you thrill-seekers are raring to go again, then you'll want to hop in and try our previous article about rollercoaster photos right here.

While some of these photos are obviously staged for comedic effect (hello, rollercoaster Jenga players! We bow before your vast imagination), others are 100 percent natural. The timing of the snaps couldn't have been more perfect and the pics show off incredibly genuine reactions. Honestly, they made our day (and some of us might already be Googling what the opening times for the nearest amusement parks are).

We don't know about you, dear Pandas, but some of us here are mighty afraid of heights. So riding on a rollercoaster means having an inner battle within ourselves about whether we want to have fun or stay earthbound and look at everyone else enjoying themselves. Getting over the fear of heights (it's known as acrophobia) or any other phobia is a challenge in itself. However, it is possible and that way you can have more freedom to enjoy all the things that life has to offer you, big or small.

Thrill Seekers

My mom and I agreed to accompany my son on his first roller coaster while visiting Legoland this summer. It went well

carlycross Report

"Phobias are among the most common anxiety disorders and are often developed following a negative or traumatic experience or in some cases, from learned or copied behavior from parents or those close to them," Nuno from the UKAT Group told Bored Panda.

"If parents or people of influence have anxiety about dogs, for example, then it is more than likely a child growing up with them will also develop the same irrational reaction around dogs," the expert explained that we can 'inherit' phobias from the people we're closest to as we're growing up, no matter what the particular phobias might be.


"Apparently Mom didn't get the memo that everyone was supposed to make a funny face!"

Amber Report

"Unfortunately genetics and learned behavior can trickle into the development of other behaviors and disorders, such as substance misuse, eating disorders, or unhealthy relationships with food, as well as gaming and gambling," Nuno noted that some of the consequences can be extremely negative.

The expert noted that any phobia is possible to overcome. It'll be tough, but given the right support, everyone can do it. "Regardless of how a phobia originates, overcoming them can be difficult but is possible. It's important to recognize if more than one person is suffering and encourage all to participate. Gradual desensitization or self-exposure to the cause is encouraged," he said.


"This is a photo of my daughter and her father riding the Tennessee Tornado roller coaster at Dollywood. When we saw the photo at the sales kiosk, we laughed so hard we just HAD to buy it!"

Jennifer Report

However, the more complex a phobia is, the longer we've had it, the more work we'll have to put in to overcome it. Whether it's a phobia of heights, of going fast, or absolutely anything at all. "A more complex and long-term phobia may need similar treatment given to someone with an anxiety disorder or mental health illness; counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy or psychotherapy are all good options to explore," Nuno told Bored Panda.

What do you think of rollercoaster rides, dear Readers? What's the very best one you've been on? Do you take souvenir photos like we do? (One of mine from Legoland got turned into a magnet and is on my fridge.) Do you have a fear of heights but you'd love to give rollercoasters a try? Share your thoughts, twists, and turns in the comments below!

Hair Care

"When my sister and her family took my mom to Disney World, my mom was concerned about her hair getting wet so she put a plastic bag on her head. "

Cyndi Report

Coaster Nap

Our family spent New Year's Eve 2019 at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. We all got on the roller coaster right before midnight and unbeknownst to us, my 10-year-old son fell asleep as soon as the roller coaster went over the drop! We normally do not get photos from the roller coaster kiosks but after seeing this photo, we felt it was mandatory!

Melissa Report

Uneasy Rider

"My son Wille has never been a fan of fun rides. He is 17 now and still doesn't like it. (I'm the one in blue, the one in red is my sister)."

lackberg Report

Sucker Shot

"Heading down the water chute ride at Mall of America, younger brother used the ride's photo op to capture his moment of revenge for being picked on by his big brother at all other locations."

Amanda Report


"Just because you're on a flume doesn't mean you can't find time to do other things."

Jason Report

The Rookie

My sister's family went to a theme park in NC and she decided her youngest was ready for his 1st roller coaster ride. Apparently, she was wrong and he takes after her. Everyone thinks this is photoshopped because her husband and the other 2 kids are so calm. She tries to ease her conscience by telling everyone it was a kiddie coaster but I'm pretty sure he's scarred for life.

Pamela Report

My Dad Was Really Not Into Splash Mountain

jennrogue Report

Note: this post originally had 78 images. It's been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.


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