Camping Ignoring Someone in Peril Funny

#1 Posted Aug 18 2015 - 23:58


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I wish the replay worked, but there seem to be issues after today's mini-patch.  So we are on Lakeville and I take my SU-152 up the valley along with a Hellcat and a T-34 (Sov. Med). The SU-152 has not done well in the close city on Lakeville in the past.  A Chaffee dashes to the top in the valley and shows just an E25 and a Stug III - then he goes off to scout elsewhere.  The T-34 crests the hill and shoots a red Chaffee and gets taken out by one of the red TDs while I was moving up. While the rest of our team fights badly in town, the Hellcat and I crest the hill, I apply 152mm HE to the E25 and the StuG III G and proceed on down the valley.  All the while, our teammates chat about idiots in the valley as the Hellcat mops up an arty and I bust a T25/2 which was camping red base.  The two of us cap out as the large force of red heavies heads for our base.  I get a nice shot in blowing up a KV-2 that came back to try to reset and the valley push saved our bacon.

Is a main force up the valley plan A?  Not usually - but we forced the valley with a very few tanks and grabbed the victory while the rest of the team derided the "idots" who were in the valley. My only reply was "We won the valley and now we are winning the game"

A fun game and a big damage kills game too.  Don't ignore the valley, and if the reds do ignore it - make them pay.

TL / DR  If you have only a couple bottom tier tanks back to hold the valley, it may not be enough.

Edited by TLWiz, Aug 19 2015 - 00:22.

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Bsan77 #2 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 00:00


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A lot of times the whole "Ignore the Valley" thing only applies when they camp the valley on encounter. On the standard gamemode, and as long as you play somewhat aggressively, it doesn't matter if you go valley or not. ;)

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Apache1990 #3 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 00:05


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If you do want to push the valley (with more than one or two tanks, which tends to be suicide), at least let everyone know first though.  It's easy to lose games otherwise (as your teammates who go into the town will die very quickly due to being undermanned, and would be better off taking defensive positions).

The key here is that people will generally play the map the usual way, which will cause a loss while everybody is bogged down on the swampy ground.  If the enemy is entrenched on their side, you'll end up getting shot in the back once the group from the town or center sweep around (I'm very happy to run down the middle if I see all the enemies occupied to flank).

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_p1nkfl0yd_ #4 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 00:05


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i stopped reading when you said you went valley

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SchnitzelTruck #5 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 00:05


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Hooray it worked 1 time out of 1000. Time to try and reciprocate that 1 match and fail another 999 times.

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TLWiz #6 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 00:20


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Please be sure to reply without reading the OP.  Thanks. I am not advocating a Valley Push as a great tactic, but if the reds leave the backdoor open - bust it in.

Edited by TLWiz, Aug 19 2015 - 00:32.

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ClAibigail #7 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 00:25


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Glad it worked out for you.

you also go beach on overlord don't you?

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delneggs #8 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 00:26

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I don't usually go to the valley especially if I'm in a heavy or slow medium, but a week or so ago I spawn on south side in my Super P in a tier 9 game and almost the entire team headed to the city (it was not an encounter match either).  So I headed valley asking for help and luckily an SU-152 and Bulldog turned back and came with me. The Bulldog and I went up the hill just below the crest and the SU-152 sniped from the rocks. We held that valley the entire game against at least 6 enemy tanks (at least 2 tier 9) and the others all tier 8. Only the Bulldog didn't survive but put up a good fight. My Super P blocked over 4k damage and took out 2 enemy and the SU wrecked 2 more.  Finally our heavies won in the town and surrounded the remaining reds and we won easy.....but if the Bulldog and SU-152 didn't turn around and back me up, I would have been overrun pretty quick and game most likely lost.  Got to watch the mini map as the OP says.

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Cutthroatlemur #9 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 00:27


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I've only seen a handful of coordinated valley pushes in pub battles, and by coordinated I mean someone says in chat "hey let's push the valley for once" and at least half of the team goes valley.  The amazing thing is that everytime I've seen a coordinated valley push it has worked.  Nobody expects it.  IMHO push the valley sometimes, but do it in force, with momentum.

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blackmambannn #10 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 00:27


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View PostCogKnispel, on Aug 19 2015 - 00:25, said:

Glad it worked out for you.

you also go beach on overlord don't you?

beach on Overlord is reasonable

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SchnitzelTruck #11 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 00:28


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View Postblackmambannn, on Aug 18 2015 - 15:27, said:

beach on Overlord is reasonable

Only time its reasonable is in a yoloing MT platoon. Anything else and its a waste of valuable team slots.

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Kilroy357 #12 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 00:28


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With most teams, "push the valley" means sit still by the hill in the middle and wait for the other team to pull a pincer maneuver on them.

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rich73 #13 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 00:32


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Anytime I'm in a td I do valley and usually we hold or can push.Peeps should know this is an option too.Typing negative remarks in battle just takes you out of the battle.Turning off chat is so much more peaceful way to die if you have to.

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ChzBrgr1 #14 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 00:33

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Forever the valley reeeetards of lakeville will find hope in this stupid post.

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redberets44 #15 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 00:52

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Valley is more or less for tomatoes who can discourage the other tomatoes that goes valley from pushing or to slow them down.

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SchnitzelTruck #16 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 01:17


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View PostRake, on Aug 18 2015 - 16:03, said:

Funny how it works far more frequently than that.  But you keep being stuck up.

No, I simply dont do it because I'm far more useful spotting targets in the center/ beating up baddies in the city.

Nice 49% recent when your overall is 51%... obviously you have convinced yourself you are right when you clearly are doing something massively wrong.

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AAA77777 #17 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 01:27


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View Postkissyboy, on Aug 18 2015 - 18:05, said:

i stopped reading when you said you went valley

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LeaveIT2Beaver #18 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 03:25


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Did you really think you could have a sensible discussion anywhere in this forum ?  I get your point and it is a good one.

Edited by LeaveIT2Beaver, Aug 19 2015 - 03:29.

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commander42 #19 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 03:32


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the ignore valley policy is more for encounter then standard, and on encounter it is ok if some tds or meds or lights go valley, just as long as top tier heavies dont

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chaser911 #20 Posted Aug 19 2015 - 10:08


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View PostTLWiz, on Aug 18 2015 - 23:20, said:

Please be sure to reply without reading the OP.  Thanks. I am not advocating a Valley Push as a great tactic, but if the reds leave the backdoor open - bust it in.


I lost my last 3 4 Games Lakeville...because someone thought: "Hey, let's rush valley"


The objective is on the other side of the map.

Even if there is NO enemy holding valley, you need too friggin long to do anything usefull.

Standard Game 1 (Northspawn):

Just had a game where a GW Panther, a light and a 122-44 killed everyone in the valley except, 3 of us -- we got killed in town pretty fast, go figure.

Standard Game 2 (Southspawn):

13 Tanks go Valley, and get picked off by a Stugg, a Tiger and a Su100Y camping the Corner at B3. One got on the Cap... only to get outcapped by 3 enemy Tanks.

Standard Game 3:

Just guess who won this 3.5 minute game:

Encounter Game 4:

All Top Tiers went Valley, we lost.

Dont go Valley.


Edited by chaser911, Aug 19 2015 - 19:44.

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